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The information presented herein is provided for information purposes and is intended for your use only. The information, concepts, ideas, and analysis contained herein are Expedition Capital Ltd.’s (or other third parties’) proprietary and confidential material. such material may not be reproduced, disseminated or used in whole or in part without Expedition Capital Ltd.’s prior written authorization. The provision of information is not based on your individual circumstances and should not be relied upon as an assemssment of suitability for you of a particular product or transaction. This information is not intended to forecast or predict future events. Past performance is not a guarantee or indication of future results. All performance figures were received from third parties (as estimates, prior to year-end audits) and are not a product of Expedition Capital Ltd. Expedition Capital Ltd. shall have no liability to the user or to third parties, for the quality, accuracy, timeliness, continued availability or completeness of the data nor for any special, direct, indirect, incidental or consequential loss of damage which may be experienced because of the use of the information, provided that this exclusion of liability shall not exclude or limit any liability under any agreement, law or regulation applicable to Expedition Capital Ltd.